Trump and his lawyers

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1/ If you missed my thread on Trump’s “legal” defense, it’s here:… In March, Bob Bauer, writing for Lawfare, observed that Trump doesn’t want legal advice from his lawyers. Trump’s view is that the job of his lawyers is to find a way around the law. . .

2/ He wants them to get around the law while providing him with a veil of deniability.… Thus Michael Cohen was a “fixer” who paid secretly paid hush money to porn stars. Trump expects his lawyers to disregard the law when he orders them to do so.

3/ Thus he was enraged when Sessions recused himself although this law required him to do so.… Bauer next asked: Will Trump’s lawyers behave corruptly and enable him? Or will they behave ethically and try to stop him?

4/ Bauer concluded sadly that Trump’s lawyers seemed to have “lost their ethical bearings.”… Giuliani knows that MR 1.2(c) forbids a lawyer to counsel or assist a client in conduct the lawyer knows to be criminal or fraudulent.

5/ Giuliani — and all Trump’s lawyers —know about Rule 4.1, which forbids a lawyer from making false statement of fact.… Giuliani knows his lies obstruct the Mueller probe, but he’s not worried. If Trump succeeds, all that will matter is pleasing Trump.

6/ When Giuliani said facts “are in the eye of the beholder” he is openly explaining Trump’s legal defense.… We have to stop assuming Trump’s lawyers are silly buffoons who are goofing. They know exactly what they’re doing.

7/When McGahn wrote unenforceable NDAs, he was following orders from his boss, who asked him to distort the law to bully people.… It’s tempting to compare Trump’s lawyers to mob lawyers.

8/ Reagan commissioned a study & found “renegade” lawyers who launder money, orchestrate perjured testimony, offer bribes, use law offices to plan crimes, etc.… Mob lawyers “represent a disturbing trend within the profession . . .

9/ . . . of unquestioning advancement of a client’s wishes at all costs.” Comey said his discussions with Trump gave him “flashbacks” to his career prosecuting the mob.

10/ From Comey: “The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth.”

11/ When Trump’s lawyers weaken rule of law, they’re removing what Profs. Levitsky & Ziblatt call a guardrail of democracy. Without guardrails, democracy careens into authoritarianism.

12/ One of Timothy Snyder’s warnings is that democracy is in danger when lawyers abandon their professional responsibilities. He gives the examples of lawyers who supported Hitler. Important point: Intelligent and capable lawyers can also be fascists.

13/ Emmet Flood’s former colleagues are shocked that a smart lawyer seems to be on board with Trump. But Flood stayed silent when Sarah Sanders said this:… & he knew what he was supporting when he he donated $2,700 Trump’s campaign.…

14/ I still see people laugh at Giuliani and assume he’s just goofing up. I think we would do well to pay close attention to his strategy. When a character in Shakepeare’s Henry VI wanted to overthrow the king, he said, “First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

15/ I think they just meant the ethical lawyers.

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