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This is a great thread Thanks to @Talon269 and @julievzwilson for sharing it with me.https://twitter.com/djrothkopf/status/992382428231749633 …
It raises the question that has been on my mind: How will the Fox-GOP respond when the penny hits the ground?
And it appears that the actual penny will soon land.
(2) Today Twitter is abuzz over the not surprising revelation that Trump and his lawyers lied about the infamous Trump Tower meeting. For some good analysis, see: twitter.com/yottapoint/sta… Q: Why is this coming out now?
(3) Is it because of what was seized from Cohen’s office? (Trump and his lawyers have seen the evidence. They know what’s in there.) Or because recent reporting suggests that Roger Stone will soon be indicted & his indictment will draw a direct link between Russia and Trump?
(4 ) About Stone: Recall that latest Mueller indictment told us that the Russians who carried out the hacking of the DNC were corresponding with “a person who was in regular contact with senior members” of the Trump campaign. justice.gov/file/1080281/d…
(5) Stone acknowledged he’s probably that person. usatoday.com/story/news/pol… Mueller is still bringing Stone associates before the grand hury, so it may still take some time before we see Stone’s indictment. Cohen’s could be sooner.
(6) Stone’s indictment (and possibly Cohen’s) will give a direct link between Russia and Trump. In the not-too-distant-future we’ll see the reaction to the penny landing. I suspect we’ll learn how far the Fox-GOP can bend into contortions before something breaks.