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6/ Growing diversity creates a powerful reaction in authoritarians: They become angry. They can be violent, cruel, and tolerate cruelty in others (like what we’re seeing at the border). Thus, a cycle: As liberal democracy expands, authoritarians react.
7/ Trump happened because liberal democracy in America exceeded many people’s capacity to tolerate it. Thus, our current authoritarian moment is not a momentary madness—it always sits beneath the surface of liberal democracy.

8/ What we’re seeing is a fascist uprising— the kind of far right-wing movement that happens when enough people become angry and intolerant. Fascism is a cult of leadership, led by a mesmerizing leader who evokes the nation’s mythical destiny.

9/ The people believe the leader’s instincts are superior to the rational logic used by “elites.” “Your suffering is the fault of your enemies,” the leader says. The people look to the leader for protection… from liberal democracy & the diversity that so frightens them.

10/A fascist uprising requires the members to move in lockstep & wear a sort of uniform (red MAGA caps ??). Followers give up their individuality for the sake of the group. The world’s first fascist were not Italian, but the KKK (who had a demonized enemy and even a uniform).

12/Fascist are OK with wealth concentrated in the hands of the ruling few, who are entrusted with protecting the people. What non-fascists see as corruption (the ruling oligarchy enriching themselves) is acceptable to those who are willing to trade freedom for protection.
13/ BTW, not all people who voted for or support Trump fit this profile. Researchers Ng & Sanders say 1/3 of the population is inclined toward authoritarianism. Trump has 42% approval according to 538. So some are reachable. Many are not.
14/ Trump’s hardcore followers don’t care if he lies, steals, or enriches himself at the expense of the citizens, as long as he keeps them safe . . . from diversity and liberal democracy. So how do we fight this authoritarian uprising?
15/ The answer, I think, is in numbers: There are more of us. When all the votes are counted, there are always more votes for liberal democracy. “When all the votes are counted” is the tricky part.