March 2023

It’s not about delay. It’s about obstruction and destruction.

Please excuse me while I have a mini-rant. Occasionally mainstream and social media commentators settle on a theory that projects their own reasoning onto Trump and his supporters. For example, at one time, the going theory was that Lindsay Graham was kissing Trump’s ring because Trump was blackmailing him. It was common for people to ask, […]

It’s not about delay. It’s about obstruction and destruction. Read More »

“Rogue Prosecutors”

A number of people asked me to comment on the proposed Georgia legislation creating oversight of prosecutors. More specifically people asked me questions like this: I did some poking around to find out where this was coming from, and I found stuff like this: So I did some digging. First, the facts. There are two

“Rogue Prosecutors” Read More »

Dominion v. Fox News: Why Fox Lies (And Why Their Viewers Demand Lies)

As you may have heard, there were a few bombshells in Dominion’s latest filing in the Dominion v. Fox defamation case. To recap: We are at the stage where both Dominion and Fox are asking for summary judgment. You get a summary judgment if there is literally no evidence or argument the other side can present that

Dominion v. Fox News: Why Fox Lies (And Why Their Viewers Demand Lies) Read More »

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